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Emerge Mothers Academy
c/o Center of Belonging

3501 Aldrich Ave N
Mpls MN 55412

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EMA 612-400-9220

Becca Cell 612-910-9962

Our mission is to reveal the potential in people and communities through skill building, employment, and economic opportunity.


Organizational Mission/Vision

Emerge Mothers Academy is a charitable social service benefiting the lives of single mothers through 4 core programs designed to stabilize mother-headed households. We equip mothers to emerge as confident women and caring moms.


Organizational History

Emerge Mothers Academy was founded in 2012 by mother-daughter team Becca Erickson and Judy Kruger. Both Becca and Judy have experienced single motherhood. Built on a desire to influtirate isolation, both understand the struggle of going it alone but also the powerful difference that a supportive community can make. They founded Emerge Mothers Academy to empower women to make positive choices for themselves and their families.

In 2013, with a budget of $25,000, Emerge Mothers Academy began providing parenting classes and mental health support to 19 moms in Minneapolis. Over 5 years we grew 140% by offering work-preparation, a micro-loan grant program, social services & counseling, and parenting classes to mother-headed families at four locations in the Twin Cities. To date,over 400 families have been served through our programs.


Beyond the Center

  • Emerge Mothers Academy comes alongside mothers to:
  • Help single moms develop long-term financial stability, independence, and self-sufficiency
  • Build intragenerational stability for families
  • Empower women toward successful entrepreneurship
  • Create a stronger community by increasing family stability and success

Our wrap-around style of programs consider the whole person and incorporate our core values of financial independence, constructive parenting, health and wellness, and personal development.

Our programs include:

  • Parenting Support – classes focused on practical parenting skills or mentors working with moms individually to address their specific needs.
  • Social Work & Counseling – Emerge Mothers Academy contracts with a licensed clinical social worker to provide appointment-based case management services for families.
  • Work-Preparation – One-on-one or small-group job skills training and interview preparation.
  • MicroLoan Grant – Business mentorship and start-up investments of $500-$6500 for mothers who desire to be entrepreneurs and work their own hours. Recipients “repay” the investment by becoming a business mentor to another mom.


Focus w/in Center

At the Center of Belonging Emerge Mothers Academy will offer personal development and therapy support to women as well as our highly sought after Work Prep & Placement program.